We all know that squirrels are adorable little creatures, but did you know that they can also be a lot of fun to watch?
They are so adorable and entertaining! If you want to help these little critters out, why not make a DIY squirrel feeder? Not only will you be helping the squirrels, but you’ll also have a fun new project to work on.
We’ll provide a list of DIY squirrel feeder plans that you can use to bring these little critters into your yard. We’ll also provide some tips on how to make your feeder as squirrel-friendly as possible. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today!
Simple Homemade Squirrel Feeder
Source: PinterestIf you’re looking for a quick and easy DIY squirrel feeder plan, then this is the one for you. This feeder can be made in just a few minutes with minimal supplies.
You can make your own squirrel feeder in just a few minutes with minimal supplies. All you need is some food. A DIY home defense against these pesky creatures who keep stealing our trash right out front of our house every day before lunchtime when we’re trying hard not only to eat but also work on projects around here, too.
What You’ll Need:
- A piece of wood (at least 12″x12″)
- Saw or jigsaw
- Hammer
- Nails
- Wire
- Peanut butter
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Make Use The Inexpensive Material

There are a lot of DIY squirrel feeder plans out there, and most of them are pretty cheap to make. You can use just about anything to make your feeder, from an old glass to a soda bottle. Just make sure that it has a wide opening for the squirrels to get their little paws in, and you’re good to go.
This idea would be a perfect choice if you are trying to avoid the woodworking skills. After all, you only need to feel in the glass with the bird food like peanuts, corn, or any other seed. Put the glass on the mini
Ensure It Is Easy To Make

The instructions below will show you how to make a DIY squirrel feeder in just a few minutes. You’ll need some basic supplies like a drill, saw, and screws, but the project is otherwise easy and inexpensive.
First, cut a piece of wood into a rectangle that is approximately 12″ x 18″. This will be the base of your squirrel feeder. Next, drill four holes in the corners of the rectangle. These holes should be big enough to accommodate screws.
Now, cut two more pieces of wood into smaller rectangles. These will be the sides of your squirrel feeder. Drill four holes in each of these rectangles as well, so that they line up with the holes in the base rectangle.
Finally, screw the side rectangles to the base rectangle using long screws. Your DIY squirrel feeder is now complete!
Plastic Container Squirrel Feeder Plans

One of the easiest DIY squirrel feeders to make is a plastic container feeder. This type of feeder can be made from just about any size container, but a gallon milk jug or two-liter soda bottle works best.
Cut a small hole in the side of the container and push the threaded end of a wire coat hanger through the hole. This will be used to hang the feeder from a tree limb or other support. Next, cut a large door in the front of the container and two small vents in the top.
These will provide ventilation and access for the squirrels. Finally, fill the container with squirrel food and screw on the lid. Hang your feeder in a shady spot and enjoy watching the squirrels feed.
Wooden Squirrel Feeder Plans

This wooden squirrel feeder is a great way to keep the little critters fed and out of your bird feeders. It’s easy to make and only requires a few materials that you probably already have around the house.
After that, you can attach the corn cob to the feeder using a piece of string or twine. Be sure to make it tight so that the cob doesn’t fall off when the squirrels are trying to eat it. Attach his simple squirrel feeder to the wood.
Flat Platform On The Fence

This design is the simplest of the three, and can be made with just a few pieces of scrap wood and some wire. It’s also one of the quickest to put together.
To start, cut two pieces of wood to the same length. Mine are about 18 inches long. Then, use a saw to cut a notch out of each piece, about halfway down the length of the wood. These notches will be where the wire crosses over. Put the peanuts and other bird food on it.
You will need:
- Two pieces of wood, cut to 12″ x 12″
- Four pieces of wood, cut to 12″ x 18″
- One piece of wire, cut to 12″
- Two screws
- Drill
- Saw
Jar Squirrel Feeder Plans

If you want to make a DIY squirrel feeder that will last for seasons to come, then consider using a jar. This is a simple and easy project that anyone can do. You will need a large Mason jar, peanut butter, birdseed, and some wire.
To make the feeder:
- Use the wire to create a hanger that will fit around the jar lid.
- Spread peanut butter all over the inside of the jar.
- Pour bird seed into the jar.
- Hang your feeder in a tree and watch the squirrels enjoy!
This DIY squirrel feeder is not only easy to make but also economically.
Hang The Pine Cones

If you’re looking for an easy and affordable squirrel feeder plan, this pine cone feeder is perfect. Not only is it simple to make, but the materials can be found just about anywhere.
This hanging feeder should be on your list of things to make this autumn.
What You’ll Need:
- One or two large pine cones per feeder
- Peanut butter or bird seed mix
- Yarn or string
Spread the peanut butter on the pine cones, then roll them in the bird seed mix. Once they’re coated, tie a string around the top and hang them from a tree branch.
You can also make suet feeders using pine cones. Just substitute suet for the peanut butter and you’re all set.
Basic Squirrel Feeder Plans

If you want to make a basic squirrel feeder, all you need is a piece of wood, a saw, some nails or screws, and a hammer. You can use any kind of wood for your feeder, but choose one that is strong enough to support the weight of the squirrels.
The size of your feeder will depend on how many squirrels you want to feed at one time. A good rule of thumb is to make the feeder big enough to accommodate two or three squirrels at a time.
Minimalist Squirrel Feeder Plans

This design is perfect for anyone who wants to try their hand at making a squirrel feeder without going too far overboard. You’ll need some basic carpentry skills and materials, but other than that, this DIY squirrel feeder is pretty straightforward to put together.
Recycle The Plastic Bottle

If you want to make a squirrel feeder but don’t want to spend a lot of money, then consider recycling materials that you already have at home. For example, an empty plastic water bottle can be turned into a squirrel feeder with just a few cuts. Simply cut two openings in the bottle, fill it with squirrel food, and hang it from a tree branch.
Mini Chair Squirrel Feeder Plans

This squirrel feeder is made out of an old mini chair! It’s the perfect size for your little backyard critters.
To make this DIY squirrel feeder, you’ll need:
- An old mini chair
- A drill
- A saw
- Squirrel food
Fence Post Squirrel Feeder Plans

This DIY squirrel feeder is easy and fun to make. All you need is a fence post, some wire, and a few other supplies. Follow these simple instructions and you’ll have your very own squirrel feeder in no time.
First, gather your supplies. You will need a fence post, some wire, pliers, and a screwdriver. You will also need a drill and some screws.
PVC Squirrel Feeder Plans

There are many different ways that you can make a DIY squirrel feeder, but one of the simplest and most popular methods is to use PVC pipe. This tutorial will show you how to make a PVC squirrel feeder with just a few simple steps.
- PVC pipe (length depends on your desired size)
- PVC cutter
- Tape measure
- Drill
- Drill bits
- Screws
Metal Squirrel Feeder Plans

If you’re looking for a more sturdy squirrel feeder option, one of the metal feeders might be right for you. There are many different designs to choose from, so find one that will fit in with your yard’s aesthetic.
This metal squirrel feeder offers you a cool look in the garden. The glass wall allows you to see the mixed seed inside, so you know when to refill it.
Hanging Squirrel Feeder Plans

If you’re looking for an easy way to make a DIY squirrel feeder, then these hanging squirrel feeder plans are perfect for you. This feeder is simple to make and hang, and it’s sure to attract plenty of squirrels.
The squirrel feeder has a unique hexagon shape, which is held by the chains on the tree. You only need to put the feeder with some dried corn, nuts, and the other food.
Squirrel Picnic Table

If you’re looking for a way to keep the squirrels out of your garden, or just want to give them a little something extra to eat, then making a ground squirrel feeder is a great option.
Ground squirrels are generally not a problem for most gardeners, but they can become a nuisance if they start eating your plants. A ground squirrel feeder is a simple way to provide them with food and keep them away from your garden.
To make this unique squirrel feeder, you will need:
- Piece of wood
- Screw
- Wood glue
- Miter saw
- Sandpaper
Upcycled Squirrel Feeder Plans

Do you have some old hardware or tools lying around that you don’t know what to do with? If so, why not put them to good use and make a mason jar squirrel feeder? Not only will it provide a much-needed food source for local wildlife, but it’ll also be a fun project for you to work on.
Squirrels are adorable and fun to watch, but they can also be a nuisance when they start raiding your bird houses or garden. Instead of using harsh chemicals or traps, try one of these DIY squirrel feeders to keep them fed and out of your yard.