Winter can be a challenging time for gardeners. If you’re not careful, your plants might die from the cold weather. But don’t worry–we’ve got you covered! This blog post will provide creative DIY mini greenhouse plans that will help you keep your plants healthy and thriving during the winter months. It ranges from very simple (great for beginners) to more complex versions.
So without further ado, here are 14 DIY mini greenhouse plans for winter gardening:
Table of Contents
DIY PVC Greenhouse for Backyard Gardening

This simple greenhouse project is made with PVC pipe and plastic sheeting, and it’s a great way to extend your growing season made with a frame of PVC pipe covered with plastic. It’s easy to put together and take apart, so it’s perfect for DIYing on location.
Start by digging a trench around the perimeter of your new growing area. You’ll also want to dig another trench to create an access path that will divide the greenhouse in two. Then assemble your PVC pipe frame and cover it with plastic sheeting. Use a stapler or other tool to secure the plastic sheeting, and then use zip ties to hold the PVC pipes in place.
Protect With Chicken Wire

You don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars for a DIY mini greenhouse when you can make one yourself. This DIY PVC pipe and chicken wire mini greenhouse is just the thing your winter garden needs.
It will keep your plants warm during those chilly nights, as well as protect them from wind and frost. DIY PVC pipe and chicken wire mini-greenhouses are also great for starting your own seedlings, so you won’t have to purchase them from a nursery or garden center.
Materials you will need:
- PVC pipes
- Chicken wires
- Zip ties
- Scissors
- Hammer & nails (or the drill)
- Staple gun.
DIY $20 Windows Greenhouse

A DIY mini greenhouse can help you grow seedlings in the early spring and extend your plant growing season into the cooler fall months. You can complete this simple DIY project for under $20 using old windows that you may have lying around your house.
To make this mini greenhouse, you will need:
- Four old windows
- A hammer and nails or a power drill with screws
- A level or tape measure
- Saw (optional)
- Paint or a sealant (optional)
DIY Geodesic Dome Mini Greenhouse

The geometry of nature inspires this DIY mini greenhouse. And while it may look complicated, all you need are some basic DIY skills and tools to build this DIY greenhouse. The finished piece will be a work of art in your garden!
- Supplies you will need:
- wood boards cut into triangles
- PVC pipes/piping
DIY PVC Pipe, Wire, and Tarp Mini Greenhouse

This DIY mini greenhouse is made with PVC pipe, wire, and a tarp. It’s easy to make and can be put together in just a few hours.
- PVC Pipe (length depends on the size of your greenhouse)
- Wire (enough to go around the PVC pipe)
- Tarp or Plastic Sheeting (big enough to cover the greenhouse)
- Staple Gun
- Scissors
- Rope or String
To make the frame, cut two pieces of PVC pipe that are the same length. Next, cut four pieces of wire that are about twice as long as the height of your greenhouse. Finally, twist a loop on one end of each wire to staple it to the PVC pipe.
Staple the wires to each side of the pipe, making sure they are evenly spaced.
Now cut your tarp or plastic sheeting to slightly bigger than the greenhouse frame. Staple it to the top of the wireframe. You can use rope or string to tie it down if needed.
DIY PVC Pipe and Foil Bubble Wrap Mini Greenhouse

This DIY PVC Pipe and Foil Bubble Wrap Mini Greenhouse is perfect for small-scale winter gardening. You can easily construct the greenhouse from readily available materials, and it will help keep your plants warm and protected during the colder months.
To make this DIY mini greenhouse, you will need:
- One piece of PVC pipe, at least 24″ long
- Bubble wrap
- Tape
- Scissors
DIY PVC Pipe and Window Screen Mini Greenhouse

To do this project, you’ll need a piece of PVC pipe at least four feet long, the old window screens, and some screws. First, cut the PVC pipe into two equal lengths, then cut the window screen to fit around one of the pipes. Screw the screen in place, then place the other pipe inside it.
To do this project, you’ll need a piece of PVC pipe at least four feet long, a window screen, and some screws. First, cut the PVC pipe into two equal lengths, then cut the window screen to fit around one of the pipes. Screw the screen in place, then place the other pipe inside it.
The mini greenhouse will work best if it’s placed in an area that gets direct sunlight for most of the day, but it can also be used to “harden off” plants that we will move outside later on.
DIY Mini Greenhouse from a Plastic Bottle

This is a simple DIY indoor greenhouse made from a plastic bottle. It’s easy to assemble and doesn’t require any tools. You can use this mini indoor greenhouse to start your seeds indoors or extend the growing season for your plants.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- A large plastic bottle (e.g., a two-liter soda bottle)
- Scissors
- Ruler or tape measure
- Marker or pen
- Clear packing tape
- Potting soil
- Seeds or plants
Wrap The Flower Pot

This is a really simple greenhouse that you can make from a flowerpot. You’ll need a small (or large) flower pot, some clear plastic sheets, and wires.
- Cut the plastic sheet to fit around the top of the flowerpot and then secure it in place with the stakes.
- Add some soil to the flowerpot and then plant your seedling or transplants.
Collect The Plastic Bottles

It is a DIY project that you can do with your kids. They will be amazed by how they can use common waste materials to build their own mini greenhouse. Moreover, this DIY project teaches them the process of seed germination, which helps them understand how plants grow. This is a great activity to do on a cold winter’s day.
Materials Needed:
- Wood
- Soda bottles (one for each side of the PVC pipe)
- Scissors
- Tape
- Stapler
Tip: You can also make DIY hanging herb inside.
PVC Pipe and Plastic Wrap Mini Greenhouse

This easy DIY mini greenhouse is made from PVC pipe and plastic wrap. It’s a great option when the weather is cooling down.
What You’ll Need:
- PVC Pipe (length depends on the size of your greenhouse)
- Tape Measure
- Marker or Pencil
- Scissors
- Plastic Wrap
Step One: Measure and Cut the PVC Pipe. Measure the length of your greenhouse and cut the PVC pipe to size.
Step Two: Assemble the DIY Mini Greenhouse. Using tape, connect the ends of the PVC pipe. Make sure it’s secure!
Step Three: Cover with Plastic Wrap. Cover the DIY mini greenhouse with plastic wrap. Secure the edges using tape.
Budget-Friendly Greenhouse Plans

There are many DIY mini greenhouse plans out there, and most of them are very affordable. You can easily create your own miniature greenhouse for under $50! Here are a few examples:
The upside-down bottle greenhouse is probably the cheapest option. All you need is a large plastic bottle and some wire. Cut the bottom off the bottle and use it as a lid. Then fill it up with dirt and plant your seeds inside!
Use The Recycled Materials

This DIY pallet mini greenhouse is a great way to start winter gardening. The plan is simple and easy to follow, and you can use any materials you have on hand.
To make this DIY mini greenhouse, you will need:
- A pallet
- Window Frame
- Stakes to hold the pallet in place
- Seeds and soil
DIY Easy Mini Greenhouse Plans

Needless to spend lots of money to make it work, this DIY easy mini greenhouse plan is also doesn’t require any certain skills. You can make it with some recycled materials and a little effort. All you need are:
- PVC pipe (or any other material that can be bent into a hoop)
- Plastic sheeting/film (enough to cover the hoop)
- Stakes (or any other material to hold the plastic in place)
- A shovel (for digging holes)
- Rope or twine (to attach the plastic to the hoop and to hold it in place)
- Scissors (to cut the plastic)
- Wooden board
Greenhouses can be a great way to extend the growing season for your favorite plants, and with a little bit of DIY know-how, you can easily build your own mini greenhouse. We’ve provided some small greenhouse plans for you to follow, so get started on your new gardening project today!