Dog ramps are an excellent way for both dogs and owners to move around without fear of injury from stairs, steps, or even just big old dirt!
They also allow us all an opportunity to bond with our pets as we take them places they might not otherwise be able to ride off-leash safely.
And best of all – it’s fun!
Moreover, dog ramps have the practical benefit of allowing dogs to enter and exit a vehicle (a problem for most disabled owners) without their legs ending up in the trunk or under the car.
Ramps are also often designed with an extension below them, which raises your dog’s legs higher off the surface, so they’re safely out of harm’s way at that point as well!
Thus depending on your situation.
And for those that have a dog with mobility issues, dog ramps can be handy.
Learn how to build your ramp today with our featured DIY dog ramps projects below!
Table of Contents
How to Make a Dog Ramp Out of Pallets
There are many ways to make a dog ramp out of pallets.
One way is to create a small staircase on one side of the pallet and have the dog jump up onto it from the other side.
Another option is to build an enormous ramp out of several interlocking boards, with holes cut in each panel for your pup’s paws.
Once you have chosen your route, be sure to provide plenty of sturdy footing for your mutt. Place a large boulder at the bottom of your ramp and several pairs of hair slats on either side of it for extra traction.
How to Build a Collapsible Dog Ramp
Collapsible pet ramps are the easiest way to help your dog get up and down from anywhere on your property. They can also be folded away for storage or easily carried around. These steps show how to build a Collapsible Pet Ramp / Dog Paw Ramp using pallets, here with riggings that you can adjust as needed:
Step 1 – Use pieces of old 12 X 8-inch tongue & groove wood panels in place of 2× 4’s.
Step 2 – Determine how high or low you need to run your Collapsible Pet Ramp. If following my plans, start on wood #4 (bottom of ramp) and work up by placing your tongue & groove wood panels side-by-side with studs at the top. You can use a carpenter’s level for this step or an online photo to ensure that all runs are straight away from pallet to riggings.
Step 3 – Using your pallet wood, run at-bar or lumber split along with each set of lines to secure the sides together and ensure strength in the joints. After securing all side runs at recommended lengths using metal straps, screw through every other tube into each end with 1/2 inch screws (you can use plastic anchors).
Make sure you put something under these riggings, depending on how solid they are! The pallets will slide out of place or lean forward, causing the end riggings to sag.
Step 4 – Unless you have a sizeable folding pallet, use your dog tarp or another method to cover the plywood grid with plastic and secure it in place. You’ll want this tight because the gateways’ sides are 2×6 board w/ pieces mitered at 45-degree angles into them with straps from strong cordage and nails.
Step 5 – For an easy method to carry this ramp around, use your handsaw and cut 1×6 uppers (used in step four) into half lengthwise with a 45-degree angle at one end. Place each on top of another piece of wood bound together by metal strapping for added strength and sand smooth if needed to reduce splintering or rough edges from the pallets used. Also, see my need-to-know guide to wheels, slides, and rollers.
Step 6 – If your dog wish is a large breed or has used this ramp enough to suggest the need for an optional step board on one of its extensions (rails), I would recommend making some beforehand. If you wish to make these alternative boards, you should cut out two 1 inch lengths from both sides with 45-degree angles made into them at 90-degree angles from flat scrap material.
If you try and wedge in your boards or use strips of plywood, the riggings’ sides can sag, causing problems. Using some scrap 1-inch x 4-inch pine (or other hardwood) lumber cut down to fit the pallets would be best instead.
How to Make an Adjustable Dog Ramp
A ramp for the dog walker is so essential, especially if your treasured companion must stop in his tracks because of a pothole or downed tree branch.
Here’s how to make an adjustable dog ramp you can set at any height.
Follow these steps:
Cut two pieces of plywood to the size and shape that will fit in the bed of your car. For example, one can measure 4 x 8 inches.
Each piece should be about 18 to 20 inches wide at their long edges for sliding into each other like “laminates,” and then slide the ramp boards onto them from underneath. Measure where you want it set up on level ground using a tape measure and make a mark on each board to show at least 0.5 inches from the edge so that it won’t damage your car’s undercarriage when in use and sliding down.
Cut two pieces of angle iron 6 feet long, 1/8-inch by 60-pound steel pipe or low carbon tubing cut straight across using a hacksaw or handsaw. The 2 x 8 boards will slide uniformly over one another if you have the same lengths. By cutting 7 of the steel tubing pieces, you can adjust them by placing a bolt through both ends that lock it in place to allow adjustment.
If you use one side only, as shown here, it will work but not be conducive to comfortable walking because each step is painful due to putting pressure on two different surfaces. In addition, dogs immediately notice friction when switching footpads and adjust their posture and pacing a bit.
You will also need pushpins and bolts, washers, wing nuts for threads that don’t stretch or loosen easily (e.g., the stainless ones), flat pan head screws in six sizes: 1/4 x 20 inch long; 3/8 x 16 inch long; 9/16x 14-1⁄2 inches; medium length and short lengths of woodscrews such as #10 to gently hold the boards in place. For wood, use a two-by-four that is 8 feet long.
DIY Dog Ramp Plans That We Love
Thankfully, there are plenty of DIY dog ramps that can be made using materials that you likely already have around the house.
Here are some fantastic DIY dog ramp ideas that we think will work great:
Simple Carpeted Dog Ramp

Your pet can use a ramp as part of their stairs or get into and out of bed. Jump pads are often made with a layer of padding over the carpet when being placed on hardwood without scratching the floor.
More project for your friend: DIY Dog Bowl Stand

Still, if you select this option, there is little risk in placing them directly onto tile floors unless any pets have accidentally injured themselves while attempting to climb the jump pad and then run halfway down the stairs.
DIY Multi-level Dog Ramp
A multi-level dog ramp can be built by stacking two ramps together for easier access to the pet bed. While this method does not provide any vertical support and will likely present a fall hazard, it is more intent on delivering your pet with an environment that provides sufficient control when launched off these surfaces rather than their ability to climb stairs.
Free Plans for Dog Ramp for Deck

Are you looking for a way to provide your dog with a clean, debris-free ramp? Look no further than this free plan for a dog Ramp from Deck. This design allows dogs to access the deck without encountering any dangerous obstacles or stairs, and it can be easily cleaned by using a hose.
Inexpensive DIY Dog Ramp

If you have an intelligent dog who loves to play fetch, but finding a way to get him up onto the couch or bed is always a problem, an inexpensive DIY dog ramp may be just the solution.
You can create something functional and affordable by building your ramp out of sturdy materials like boards or cinder blocks.
Easy DIY Dog Ramp for Bed

This easy DIY dog ramp for bed will make getting your canine companion up and down the stairs a much easier task. By creating a small ramp on one side of your bed, you can allow them to easily jump up and into their chosen spot with ease.
DIY Dog Ramp with Landing

A DIY dog ramp with a landing will make life a lot easier for both of you! This ramp can be made from simple items easily found around your home. By building this ramp, not only will your dog have an easier time getting up and down off the furniture, but you’ll also avoid potential injuries if they happen to slip.
DIY Dog Ramp for Couch

If you have a small dog that needs to get up on the couch, there is a simple solution: make a DIY dog ramp! This can be done with just some cardboard and some wooden blocks. First, cut two pieces of cardboard that are about the same size as your couch. Then, use the blocks to create an easy slope for your dog to jump onto. Your puppy will now be able to get up on the couch with minimal difficulty.
Dog Ramp for Stairs

Another idea for a DIY dog ramp is to use the wood strips from under your stairs. Cut it at an angle and place it in between two of your toe steps so that you can give them some traction when going up or down. It will take just a single piece of material, but there are no corners, so this is highly effective!
DIY Outdoor Dog Ramp

This could be a great idea if you want an outdoor dog ramp. You can use any big logs to create your ramp in the backyard or tree branches with twigs for traction. Just make sure that if it is cold outside, you do not put anything too low on them not to freeze!
DIY Foam Dog Ramp

If you want to make a cheap ramp for your dog, try using the foam between old book covers. This is super easy and inexpensive!
Dog Ramp on the Chimney
This homemade staircase has two advantages: it’s simple to build, lightweight, and portable; second, this material’s durability allows it to be passed several times through every season without any damage.
Dog ramps can be made out of plywood, metal, or plastic. It depends on the type of ramp you want to build.
Most dogs don’t like jumping up and down on a plywood dog ramp covered with fabric, so make sure it’s strong enough for your dog without breaking apart when he jumps over it.
Wood is not always the best material to use because some dogs have difficulty climbing a wooden ladder, or they might prefer slippery plywood instead.
The DIY dog ramp is from wire shelving and an inexpensive wooden hinge. The carpet prevents the surface of the step from getting scratched or otherwise damaged.
Q: Which is better: wooden or metal dog ramps?
There is no right or wrong answer to this question!
Ultimately, the best dog ramps will be made out of durable materials that will last your pet’s lifetime.
However, if you’re on a tight budget, wooden ramps can still be a great option as they tend to be cheaper than metal ones hence why wooden ramps are also more practical.
Q: What are the benefits of building a DIY dog ramp?
There are a ton of benefits to building your DIY dog ramp.
Not only do you get to personalize and customize the ramp to fit your needs, but you can also save money by constructing it yourself rather than buying one premade.
Furthermore, if something does happen and your DIY dog ramp is damaged, there’s likely no need for a costly replacement – just a bit of fixing up! Lastly, building a DIY dog ramp promotes more active involvement for your dog to create learning and physical activity skills. And this is something most dogs will love on their own!
Q: Is a ramp or stairs better for dogs?
It depends on your dog’s individual needs.
If your dog has mobility issues, then a ramp might be better as they will go higher than if they were on stairs.
On the other hand, if you own a taller dog that doesn’t mind going up and down steps, then a ramp might not be necessary as they will still have enough height.
Ultimately it is best to check with your veterinarian or an animal expert.